The price charged to the customer is the price indicated on the order confirmation sent by Option Export.
With this system, your payment is made directly through the secure server of our bank to our account. Your debit card number or other confidential data attached to a payment, will not be communicated.
Validation by the customer will be considered effective when the payment centers affected have given their consent. In case of refusal, the order will be automatically cancelled.
By Credit Card: Visa/Mastercard/American Express
By Paypal: if you want to make a direct transfer via Paypal:
By transfer: products ordered are reserved 7 days after order date. In case no transfer was received after this period, the seller is entitled to cancel the order.
Anti-Fraud statement: Option Export reserves its rights to investigate customer compliance with terms and conditions by every method considered appropriate prior to shipping. Option Export reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute over payment of a previous order or Option Export identified any form of risk.